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NWT Cross Country Running Championships
Ft. Providence
Friday, September 27, 2024

Aggregate Banner
Total Points Banner
TBA -not awarded-
St. Pat's
Ecole Boreale

U6 Boys
U6 Girls
U8 Boys
U8 Girls
U10 Boys
U10 Girls
U12 Boys
U12 Girls
U14 Boys
U14 Girls
U16 Boys
U16 Girls
U18 Boys
U18 Girls
18+ Men
18+ Women
2022 Levi Hannah (LKES)
Elle Lafoin (DG)
O'Donald Bazil Bonnetrouge (DGS)
Gwen Highfield (HC)
Smith Coombs (EB)
Chloe Kilbride (SJ)
Jaxin Coombs (EB)
Belle Smith (HR Home)
Zachary Mathison (SP)
Brigid Murphy (SP)
Adam Clinton (SJ)
Paige Sauve (SJ)
Alexander Fast (SJ)
Tamara Mathison (SP)
Shaun Doherty (SJ)
Stephanie Leduc (PWK)
Smith Coombs (EB)
Chloe Kilbride (SJ)
Jaxin Coombs (EB)
Kihew Benwell-Bourke (JBT)
Byron O'Brian (PA)
Laura Mishanko (PA)
Leland Daniels (JBT)
Hayley Sauve (WM)
Asher Hutton (WM)
Shannon Mercer (WM)
Declan Munro (EB)
Ava Applejohn (SPHS)
Jack Willoughby (SPHS)
Molly Gillard (SPHS)
Shaun Doherty (RL)
Courtney VandeBovenkamp (DJ)
Shaden Kaskamin (JBT)
Simone Freund (JBT)
Ryder Korotash (HC)
Ralston Rutherford-Simon (JBT)
Shamus Downey (MH)
Tianna Head (DGS)
Alex Fast (WM)
Shannon Mercer (WM)
Colten Robertson (WM)
Ava Applejohn (SPHS)
Christopher Mathison (SPHS)
Emily Carroll (SPHS)
Jack Panayi (SJ)
Fiona Huang (DJSS)
Sebastien Boucher (DG)
Myra Berrub (ÉB)
Bowan Kent (JBT)
Ralston Rutherford-Simon (JBT)
Gabriel Couture (ÉB)
Solenn Kikoak (JBT)
Jack Pettipas (PA)
Rylie Beck (PA)
Alexander Fast (WM)
Gillian Furniss (WM)
Christopher Mathison (SPHS)
Wren Acorn (WM)
Isaiah Wiltzen (PWK)
Kea Furniss (SJ)
Jack Panayi (SJ)
Grace Clark (SJ)

Cameron Bouvier (DGS)
Sequoia McDonald (JT)
Benjamin Carr (JHS)
Mina Lockhart (JHS)
Ethan Carr (JHS)
Riley Beck (PA)
Declan Munro (ÉB)
Gillian Furniss (JHS)
Mathew Towler (SPHS)
Kea Furniss (WM)
Andrew Towler (SPHS)
Fiona Huang (DJSS)

Clair Littlefair (SJ)
Greg Reardon (Kakiska)

*School Abbreviations
DGS - Deh Gáh (Ft. Providence)
DJSS - Diamond Jenness (Hay River)
EB - Ecole Boreale (Hay River)
HC - Harry Camsell (Hay River)
JBT - Joseph Burr Tyrell (Fort Smith)
JHS - JH Sissons (Yellowknife)
LKES - Łı̨́ı̨́dĺ̨ı̨́ı̨́ Kų́ę́ Elementary School (Ft. Simpson)
PA - Princess Alexandra (Hay River)
PWK - Paul William Kaesar (Ft. Smith)
RL - Range Lake North (Yellowknife)
SJ - Sir John Franklin (Yellowknife)
SPHS- St. Pat's (Yellowknife)
WM - William McDonald (Yellowknife)

Historical Champions
Deh Gáh School and the community of Fort Providence are excited to host the 2024 Cross Country NWT School Championships. We are pleased to confirm that the event will feature categories from U6 to U18 and Senior competitions, consistent with previous years.

Registration Deadline: 
Soft deadline is September 20th 
Hard deadline is September 23th please make sure you have all of your information in by this date!

Please find the event details below:
Team Registration: 10:45 AM (School Library)
Coaches Meeting: 11:30 AM (School Library)
Walk-Through: Immediately following the coaches meeting
Races Start: 1:00 PM
Lunch: Served from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM (School Cafeteria)

General information: https://physicalliteracy.info/nwt-cross-country-run/ 
Registration: https://forms.gle/N226jc89SyLz6otL8 
Registration Form & Waiver: 

We will have a banner for the best school and best aggregate school, along with buttons as gifts for all participants and medals for the winners in each category. Please send the registrations to Andrew (andrew.c.gilmour@gmail.com) with the NT School Sports Association or fill out the online registration. For any questions regarding the event, feel free to reach out to Thorsten (thor@tabletennisnorth.ca or (867) 373-2101.

We look forward to welcoming the Northwest Territories communities back to Fort Providence.
For more information about this tournament, please contact Andrew Gilmour at andrew.c.gilmour@gmail.com